19/02/2022 1816 Views
Expectedly going live later in March, VNTR will be a free-to-access online information portal, that will provide all the latest trade information in both English and Vietnamese.
18/02/2022 1696 Views
With the pressure on equipment capacity showing no sign of abating, freight forwarders are increasingly turning to “shipper-owned containers (SOCs)” to minimise the risk associated with port congestion and potential penalties, amid Covid-induced supply chain dysfunction.
16/02/2022 1507 Views
ZIM will charter 13 container ships from Navios Maritime Partners L.P. for a total of approximately US$870 million, according to a new agreement.
22/01/2022 2153 Views
Cases of Covid-19 are spreading in Tianjin, forcing wider lockdowns, while other Chinese port cities including Dalian and Shanghai reported cases yesterday sparking fears of more supply chain chaos.
21/01/2022 2021 Views
The US Federal Maritime Commission’s decision to ask for more information from the parties proposing the P3 vessel-sharing agreement is not unexpected, given that several industry big hitters have raised concerns about the impact of the mega-alliance on container trades.
20/01/2022 1588 Views
In China, the number of Covid-19 cases across the county reached the highest since March 2020 on Monday, as the country reported a daily rise of 223 new infections.