10/06/2021 | 2135 Views
The number of containers unable to move from south China because of a Covid-19 outbreak around Yantian Port has already surpassed the volume of boxes held up in March when the 20,388 teu Ever Given blocked the Suez Canal in Egypt.
08/06/2021 | 1858 Views
US produce exporters are about to add to their long catalogue of woes this year.
04/06/2021 | 1849 Views
04/06/2021 | 1608 Views
01/06/2021 | 2062 Views
Mumbai, India - The automotive manufacturing sector works on ‘Just-In-Time’ model for the supply chains of its parts and components. Automotive manufacturers require highly reliable logistics services that can move their raw material and finished products on precise schedules to ensure uninterrupted production processes.
29/05/2021 | 1803 Views
Zim is just the latest carrier to note shippers are seeking new, long-term commitments after a volatile year, during which having a contract was no guarantee for capacity. This resulted in companies, shippers and carriers looking into contracting tools, such as two-way commitments and index-linked rates.
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