27/05/2022 1784 Views
More statistics relating to today’s record containership orderbook are pouring in.
According to Alphaliner, there are now just under 900 ships totalling 6.8m teu due to be built at yards around the world.
23/05/2022 1476 Views
The increasing prevalence of lithium-ion (Li-Ion) batteries being carried on containerships amid rising misdeclarations is a major concern for marine insurers, experts say.
22/05/2022 1641 Views
Predications are growing throughout the shipping industry of renewed disruptions, backlogs, and even possibly “chaos” as China works to ramp up operations at Shanghai and resume manufacturing and supply chain operations after the eight-week lockdown due to its zero-tolerance COVID-19 policy.
21/05/2022 1585 Views
Foreign firms in China are bracing for a “mass exodus” of staff this summer, due to the country’s excessive Covid restrictions and lockdowns.
15/05/2022 1775 Views
The Shanghai lockdown has cost global trade $28bn so far, with the clothing, textiles and automotive industries suffering the most exposure.
13/05/2022 1727 Views
Whether or not the increasing size of ships is reaching a point of diminishing returns, according to a new report by Allianz, which suggests the bigger-is-better mentality is only exacerbating safety issues.