19/08/2022 1247 Views
China enjoyed a record $101bn trade surplus in July, but cargo volumes could soon decline, due to “cooling demand” and “no peak season” for Asia-Europe trades.
17/08/2022 1349 Views
The world’s biggest container lines are on course to post profits in 2022 that will top last year’s record by 73%, according to a new forecast, buoyed by logistics and labor strains that are squeezing capacity amid sustained US demand for imports.
05/08/2022 1552 Views
Long-term contracted ocean freight rates in the container market may have peaked, but remain 112% up on-year and 280% up on July 2019.
05/08/2022 1784 Views
With inventories running high and disruption proving hard to shift, experts expect an unconventional container shipping peak season in 2022.
29/07/2022 1429 Views
Demurrage and Detention charges have been a particular point of contention among US shippers in the ongoing supply chain disruption and have been acted on quickly with the introduction of the Ocean Shipping Reform Act 2022 (OSRA 2022).
22/07/2022 1867 Views
Port congestion in the US has shifted eastwards with more vessels now waiting at New York and Houston ports than Los Angeles and Long Beach.