09/09/2022 1357 Views
Yang Ming chief operating officer Chang Chao-Feng has admitted that, as spot rates fall, the carrier is under pressure from shippers demanding to renegotiate contract rates.
06/09/2022 1141 Views
Some 8.8% of capacity is due to be pulled from the Asia to Europe market by ocean carriers over the next 12 weeks.
05/09/2022 1408 Views
Shipowners hoping for a cooling in newbuild prices should brace for disappointment. Key yards are still posting enormous losses, despite orders piling in and prices heading north. With orderbooks stretched far forward, shipbuilders will remain obstinate when it comes to pricing as they battle to try and get back into black ink.
04/09/2022 1071 Views
Container spot rates from China to Middle East and intra-Asia routes are reported to have “collapsed” this week, with prices to Europe and the US coming under intense pressure.
26/08/2022 1768 Views
Considering the extremely challenging circumstances and volatility in the Container Shipping industry since 2020, Shippers were hopeful of some semblance of stability in the market in 2022.
19/08/2022 1319 Views
The capacity size gap between the largest carriers and the rest of the field is now bigger than ever, according to data carried in the latest weekly report from Alphaliner.